'$actualdate' and t1.packetid=t2.packetid " ." and t1.check_in=1 and t1.gid='$gid' group by t1.packtype order by t1.idotart"; # ."where gid ='$gid' order by packtype;"; # echo "
$Sql"; $result = mysql_query($Sql,$link); $error = mysql_error ($link); $sorok1 = mysql_num_rows($result); $i1 = 0; $elso = 1; $unterkunft_link = "
$landname - $ort - $unterk_head $unterk_head" ." "; #============================================== if ($sorok1 >0) { ?> "; #========= wiederholung ========================================== # $PSql = "select * from packet " # ."where bis > '$actualdate' and packtype='$packtype' and gid like'$gid%' "; //echo "
$PSql"; $PSql = "select t1.* ,t2.packetid,t2.bis2 from packet t1,preisp t2 " ."where t2.bis2 >'$actualdate' and t1.packetid=t2.packetid and " ."t1.packtype='$packtype' and t1.gid='$gid' " ." and t1.check_in=1 group by t1.packetid order by t1.buildname, t1.idotart"; # $Sql = "select * from packet " # ."where bis > '$actualdate' and packtype='101' and start='1'"; # echo "$PSql"; $Presult = mysql_query($PSql,$link); $error = mysql_error ($link); $Psorok1 = mysql_num_rows($Presult); $i2 = 0; $elso = 1; $packname_type = "zf$packtype"; ?>

'$actualdate' and packtype='101' and start='1'"; $NAMEresult = mysql_query($PNAMESql,$link); $error = mysql_error ($link); $Packetname = mysql_result($NAMEresult,0, 'packet_name'); $stern = mysql_result($NAMEresult,0, 'stern'); # Packetordner / Land ========== include($rootpfad."_sys/script/php4/inc/pack_ordner.inc.php"); # Packetordner / Land ========== if ($idotart == 0) { $idotart = 1; $dau = 1; } else { $dau = $idotart+1; } $verpfleg = "vpi$verpflegung"; $PRSql = "select preis1eu, provision from preisp where packetid=$packetid " ." and bis2 > '$actualdate' and preis1eu > 0 order by preis1eu limit 1"; $PRresult1 = mysql_query($PRSql,$link); $PRsorok = mysql_num_rows($PRresult1); # $preis1eu = mysql_result ($Presult1,0,'min(preis1eu)'); $preis1eu = mysql_result ($PRresult1,0,'preis1eu'); $provision = mysql_result ($PRresult1,0,'provision'); $provision1 = ($provision-1)*100; $provoszto = 100-$provision1; $ertek = (($preis1eu*100)/$provoszto)*$idotart; $brutto_round = round($ertek); echo " style='cursor:hand;' onclick="location.href=''" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#00319A'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF'" > " ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."
" ."$buildname $stern*" ."" ."" ."$Packetname$dau Tage".$$verpfleg."* ".number_format($brutto_round,2,",",".")."
" ."" ."" ."
"; $i2++; } ?>

"; include($rootpfad."_sys/script/php4/inc/anfrageziel.inc.php"); include "$rootpfad"."_sys/script/php4/connect.inc.php"; #include($rootpfad."_sys/inc/phpinc/hilfelinks.inc"); $link1 = mysql_connect("mysql2.kevag-telekom.de","sergio_db04",$passza); $result1 = mysql_select_db ("sergio_db04",$link); $munkamenet ["mentve"] = "NO"; $id = $munkamenet["id"]; /*$belepett = $munkamenet["belepett"]; session_unset(); $munkamenet["id"] = $id; $munkamenet["belepett"] = $belepett; if ($munkamenet["belepett"] == "1") { $munkamenet["bentvolt"] = "YES"; } */ $von_22 = "$von22$von11"; if ( $von_22 <= $actualdate) { $datumok = "$actualdate"; } else { $von_convert = strtotime ($datumok); $nacht = (86400*$dauer); $bis = ($von_convert+$nacht); $bisdate = date("Y-m-d",$bis); $bgcolor1 = "BGCOLOR='#F3F3F3'"; $fontcolor = ""; $datumok = "$von_22"; } /* $infotext = " Zahlungsform:    15% Vorauszahlung   Restzahlung vor Ort" ."

INFO:   Preise inkl. FRÜHSTÜCK * sowie die Leistungen die im Beschreibung stehen.
* Gilt für Hotels und Pensionen, soweit nicht anderes angegeben.
(Bitte lesen Sie die Beschreibungen sorgfältig durch)

"; */ if ($ortsuche) { if ($ortsuche == "all") { $ortparam = " "; $orttext = " Angebot(e)     "; } else { $ortparam = " and t1.ort like '$ortsuche' "; $orttext = " Angebot(e) in $ortsuche    "; } } else { $ortparam = " "; $orttext = " Angebot(e)     "; } if (!$sorok11) { if ($vid > "0") { $vid_param = " and t1.vid ='$vid' "; } $Sql = "select t1.vid, t1.pid,t1.buildid, t1.blid, t1.lid, t1.buildname, t1.kategorie, t1.stern, t1.ort, t1.kinderhotel, t1.check_in, t3.bundesland " ."from hbuildings t1 , preish2 t2, bundesland t3 " ."where t1.check_in=1 and t1.gid='10085' " ."and t2.bis2>='$datumok' and t2.preis1eu >'0' " ."and t1.lid=t3.lid and t1.blid=t3.blid and t3.language='DE' " ."and t1.buildid=t2.buildid group by t1.buildid "; $result = mysql_query($Sql, $link1); $sorok = mysql_affected_rows(); $sorok11 = mysql_affected_rows(); $Anzahl= $sorok11; # cho "$Sql"; } else { $Anzahl= $sorok11; #echo "NO

"; } if ($sorok11 > 0) { $check_tag = date("d"); $gerade = (($check_tag%2) ? ' ' : '1'); if ($gerade == "1") { $sort_nach1 = "t1.ort" ; } else { $sort_nach1 = "t1.stern" ; } # echo "---$gerade--$sort_nach--$check_tag--------
"; $ErgebnisseProSeite = 10; if (!$aktuell) { $seite = 0; } else { $seite = ($aktuell*$ErgebnisseProSeite)-1; } $Sql = "select t1.vid,t1.telefon_1, t1.pid,t1.buildid, t1.blid, t1.lid, t1.buildname, t1.kategorie, t1.stern, t1.ort, t1.kinderhotel, t1.check_in, t3.bundesland " ."from hbuildings t1 , preish2 t2, bundesland t3 " ."where t1.check_in=1 and t1.gid='10085' " ."and t2.bis2>='$datumok' and t2.preis1eu >'0' " ."and t1.lid=t3.lid and t1.blid=t3.blid and t3.language='DE' " ."and t1.buildid=t2.buildid group by t1.buildname "; $result = mysql_query($Sql, $link1); $sorok = mysql_affected_rows(); $sorok1 = mysql_affected_rows(); $i = 0; # echo "
    $sorok1 Angebot(e) $orttext
"; $trenn = "---------------------------------------------"; if ($gid > 0) { $gid_param = " and t1.gid like'$gid%' "; } $ortSql = "select t1.ort, t1.check_in, t1.kategorie, t1.blid,t3.bundesland,t3.blid " ."from hbuildings t1 , preish2 t2, bundesland t3 " ."where t1.blid=t3.blid and t3.language='DE' and t1.check_in=1 and t2.preis1eu >'0' " ."and t2.bis2>='$datumok' " ."and t1.gid='10085' " ."and t1.buildid=t2.buildid "; $ortresult = mysql_query($ortSql,$link); $error = mysql_error ($link); $sorok2 = mysql_num_rows($ortresult); $i2 = 0; ######## Kell-e kersöfeld STRAT #################### # ha már egy ort részletesen vagyunk, nem kell a keresöfeld ###### $suchform = "NO"; if ($suchform != "NO") { echo "
"; echo " Nur die Angebote im Ort anzeigen  " .""; echo ""; echo "
"; } } if ($infotext_kell != "NO") { echo "
$orttext"; } if($Anzahl>$ErgebnisseProSeite) { $Seiten=intval($Anzahl/$ErgebnisseProSeite); if($Anzahl%$ErgebnisseProSeite) { $Seiten++; } } for ($il=1; $il<=$Seiten; $il++) { $aktu = ($il-1)*$ErgebnisseProSeite; if ($il == 1) { $aktutol = 1; $ig = $ErgebnisseProSeite; $aktuel = 0; } else { $aktu = $aktu; $aktutol = $aktu+1; $ig = ($aktu + $ErgebnisseProSeite); } $linkkell = $il-1; echo ""; if ($linkkell == $aktuell) { echo "[$aktutol-$ig] "; } else { echo"[$aktutol-$ig] "; } } echo "

"; while ($i < $sorok) { $pid = mysql_result($result,$i,'pid'); $buildid = mysql_result($result,$i,'buildid'); $buildname = mysql_result($result,$i,'buildname'); $stern = mysql_result($result,$i,'stern'); $blid = mysql_result($result,$i,'blid'); $vid = mysql_result($result,$i,'vid'); $kategorie = mysql_result($result,$i,'kategorie'); $kinderhotel = mysql_result($result,$i,'kinderhotel'); $ort = mysql_result($result, $i, 'ort'); $bundesland = mysql_result($result,$i,'bundesland'); $lid = mysql_result($result,$i,'lid'); $telefon_1 = mysql_result($result,$i,'telefon_1'); if ($adminbuchung == "YES") { $skypecall = "
 " ."$telefon_1
"; echo "BEWERTUNG "; } else { $skypecall = ""; } $link11 = mysql_connect("mysql2.kevag-telekom.de","sergio_db04",$passza); $VIDSql = "select xkord from stadt where vid=$vid "; $VIDresult = mysql_query($VIDSql,$link11); $VIDsorok = mysql_affected_rows(); $mappNr = $buildid; echo ''; $mapp = "LANDKARTE "; # Packetordner / Land ========== include("$rootpfad"."_sys/script/php4/inc/pack_ordner.inc.php"); # Packetordner / Land ========== # include($rootpfad."_sys/script/php4/funkcio.php"); # $soso = datumervenyes("H",$buildid,$von,$bis); $soso = 1; if ($soso > 0) { if ($kategorie !='103') { ////////////////////////// 2004 $link1 = mysql_connect("mysql2.kevag-telekom.de","sergio_db04",$passza); $result1 = mysql_select_db ("sergio_db04",$link); $Sql="select t1.preis1eu,t1.provision,t2.code from preish2 t1, zimmerart t2 where t1.buildid='$buildid' " ."and t2.code like '12%' and t1.buildid=t2.buildid and t1.zimmerartid=t2.zimmerartid " ."and t1.bis2>='$datumok' and t1.preis1eu !=0 order by preis1eu limit 1"; //echo "
$Sql"; $result1 = mysql_query($Sql, $link1); $sorok1 = mysql_numrows($result1); if ($sorok1 > 0) { $preis = mysql_result($result1,0,'preis1eu'); $provision = mysql_result($result1,0,'provision'); } else { $preis = 0; $provision = 0; } //////////////////////////////// if ($preis > 0) { $provision1 = ($provision-1)*100; $provoszto = 100-$provision1; $ertek = (($preis*100)/$provoszto); $preis = ($ertek/2); $preis = round($preis,1); $preistext = "ab " .number_format($preis,2,",",".")."
pro Person
"; } else { $preistext = "Aktuelle Preise finden Sie auf der Detailsseite"; } } else { $preistext = "Aktuelle Preise finden Sie auf der Detailsseite"; } if($stern==1) { $sternir = '1'; } else if($stern==2) { $sternir = "2"; } else if($stern==3) { $sternir = "3"; } else if($stern==4) { $sternir = "4"; } else if($stern==5) { $sternir = "5"; } if ($kinderhotel == "1") { $kinderimg = "
 " .""; } else { $kinderimg = ""; } echo "
"; ?>
'; echo 'function'; echo ' neuesFenster' .$buildid; echo '()'; echo '{'; echo "FensterName=window.open('$rootpfad"."_sys/script/php4/dirkep.php4?fh=H&kt=H$buildid&url=$buildid&buildname=$buildname&lid=$lid','Info','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=700,height=500, top =40,left =40')"; echo '}'; echo ''; # $sc = "javascript:newWindow('$rootpfad"."hpartners/H$buildid/index.html','top =40, left =40');"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $von = "$von1-$von2-$von3"; # echo "
"; ############### Lytebox START ################## $arrFiles = array(); $hndDir = opendir("hpartners/H".$buildid."/img/"); $darabszam = 0; while($strFile = readdir($hndDir)) { if($strFile == '.' || $strFile == '..' ) continue; $darabszam++; if ($darabszam == 1) { echo '' ."$buildname - ".ucfirst($ort)."" ."
" ."
"; } else { echo ''; # echo "$darabszam "; } } ############### Lytebox ENDE ################## ?> 0) { ?> "; echo "
"; $sc = "javascript:newWindow('$rootpfad"."hpartners/H$buildid/index.html');"; echo " "; ?> $buildname
 " ."" ."$skypecall" ."$kinderimg" ."
Ort: $ort
" ."$preistext
"; ?> "; if ($munkamenet["belepett"] == "1") { echo "" ."" ."  "; ?>    "; if (($buchen_button != "NO") or ($adminbuchung == "YES")) { echo "" ."" .""; } else { echo ""; } } else { echo "" ."" ."  "; ?>    "; if ($buchen_button != "NO") { echo "" ."" .""; } else { echo ""; } } ?>

"; $i++; } if ($infotext_kell !="NO") { echo "$infotext"; echo "
"; if ($sorok == 0) { echo "
"; include ($rootpfad."_sys/inc/phpinc/no_meldung.html"); echo "
"; } } # ======== UNTERKUNFT ENDE ===================================== # mysql_close ($link); #mysql_close ($link1); ?>